
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Episode 8 English Subbed


Episode Title:
The World Vs Scott Pilgrim
Episode Description:
Scott and Ramona determine that none of the Evil Exes are behind the field. During the play, a deranged older Scott teleports Scott, his friends, Ramona, and the League away, revealing himself as the one who created the field. The group fights him, but everyone is sent back except Scott and Ramona. The fight is interrupted by an older Ramona, who reveals that she still loved him when they separated but is disgusted by his current state. Ramona decides she is done running from what she loves and embraces herself, merging and becoming "Super Ramona", who sends older Scott back to the future and successfully kisses Scott. They are returned to the play, where Gordon and Julie are caught trying to bomb the stage, but Matthew instead returns his properties, tired of the stress they cause. Lucas takes up work as a barista with Scott's sister, Wallace finds a boyfriend in Paris after taking a vacation with his film money, Knives joins Sex Bob-omb as a keyboardist, and Ramona continues work as a stunt double. In a mid-credits scene, Gordon and Julie plot against Scott and Ramona.

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