
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 6 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
Sistana Shaken
Episode Description:
At Sistana, the Mini-Percivals lead Percival's group to uncover a buried piece of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, a mystical relief once used to seal the Demon Clan away. The group is confronted by Anghalhad (Anne), the local lord's daughter and an aspiring Holy Knight, who had buried the piece to hide it from Ironside. Suspicious of them due to her magic ability to detect lies, Anne is surprised by Percival's sincerity when he returns the piece, which she instead entrusts to him for safekeeping. That evening, Ironside reveals the rest of the Coffin to the townsfolk, promising their protection from the Four Knights of the Apocalypse in exchange for its completion. Witnessing this, Sin realizes he intends to activate the Coffin by sacrificing the townsfolk. While the others rush to protect the piece, having left it at their inn room, Percival brings Anne along when she endangers herself trying to expose Ironside's deceit. However, the piece is stolen by a demonic servant of Ironside disguised as Anne's maid, allowing Ironside to complete the Coffin. Sin sends Percival's group to destroy the Coffin as Ironside begins the sacrificial ritual.

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