
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 7 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
The Name of the Magic
Episode Description:
Ironside's ritual summons a horde of spirits that transform Sistana's architecture into monsters. Percival attempts to break the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, but Ironside's overwhelming magic power and skill prevent him from coming close. Donny is intimidated into abandoning his friends, while Nasiens remains to help Anne defend Percival, enchanting her rapier to poison Ironside and hinder his movements. Nevertheless, Ironside strikes the group down and kills Percival, causing the Mini-Percivals to vanish and leaving his friends unable to revive him. Unaware of this, a returning Donny expresses confidence in Percival, which makes one of the Mini-Percivals reappear, renewing Nasiens and Anne's belief in Percival's survival. As his friends continue to affirm their faith in Percival, the Mini-Percivals multiply and bring him back to life. Percival credits his friends for fueling his magic, which he names "Hope".

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