
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 8 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
Young Heroes
Episode Description:
Ironside's summoned monsters are slain by a young man seemingly called by Sin to protect the townspeople. Ironside admits defeat and asks for Percival's forgiveness, but Anne exposes his surrender as another attempt on Percival's life, sending Ironside into a rage. With Nasiens' poison continuing to hinder Ironside's attacks, Percival succeeds in splitting the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, while Donny uses his power of levitation to retrieve the relic's centerpiece, the Dragon Handle; Percival's attack also destroys Ironside's helmet and reveals his face, unnerving Percival with his father's resemblance to Varghese. Ironside's comrade Mortlach convinces him to return to Camelot, likening the monsters' unidentified attacker to one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the most formidable warriors in Britannia. Sin returns following the Holy Knights' retreat, lying that the attacker was a group of forest animals. Percival's group leaves Sistana afterwards, joined by Anne with her father's approval.

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